Ep 126: What does it take to change the world? (with Stephen Porder)

Ep 126: What does it take to change the world? (with Stephen Porder)
Big Biology

How have organisms changed the Earth and what can humans learn from its deep past?

On this episode, we talk with Stephen Porder, a Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology and the Associate Provost for Sustainability at Brown University. Stephen is also the author of Elemental: How Five Elements Changed Earth’s Past and Will Shape Our Future. On the show today, we talk about Stephen’s book and the importance of just five elements (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) in the fate of the  world, often with dramatic consequences. We also talk about sustainable actions that we all can take to reduce our impact on the world.

Stephen is also a fellow podcaster. He is a producer of the show, Possibly.

Cover photo: Keating Shahmehri.

Big Biology